Welcome to Mood Swings and Hot Flashes

This is my little contribution to women and men of the world who undergo, experience, endure...the wonderful and terrifying world that menopause can sometimes be. I'm hoping it will be a helpful and perhaps at times, humorous addition to your (our) voyage through this bumpy road that life gives us.

About Me

My name is Buddy and I live in Massachusetts with my lovely (perimenopausal) wife and three cats: Jalepeno, Thai, and Cricket; or as we call them Wenyo, Bo, and Crackhead. I'm an internet marketer, tai chi teacher and alternative health professional. I am co-owner of Harmony Healthworks, LLC with my student Keith. We practice oriental bodywork, energy healing, qigong, and structural alignment. We teach people how to be more comfortable in their own bodies and to develop a deeper sense of self and well-being.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The first one!

Welcome to my blog, Mood Swings and Hot Flashes. This blog is for everyone who endures the sometimes bothersome symptoms of perimenopause. Menopause is the day that you've gone a full twelve months without having your period. Peri- is all the time leading up to that.
I suppose you might find it odd that a man would write about what can be a tender subject. But when my wife started exhibiting symptoms of perimenopause we both decided to do a bit of online research. I'm concerned about her well-being, and frankly about both of our sanitys! It's not easy going through perimenopause and it's not always a picnic living with someone who is. But I love my wife dearly and it is well worth the effort.
She asked me if I would chronicle our efforts so that it might help other men and women. So- here we are. Hang on to your hats, it may be a bumpy ride!

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