Welcome to Mood Swings and Hot Flashes

This is my little contribution to women and men of the world who undergo, experience, endure...the wonderful and terrifying world that menopause can sometimes be. I'm hoping it will be a helpful and perhaps at times, humorous addition to your (our) voyage through this bumpy road that life gives us.

About Me

My name is Buddy and I live in Massachusetts with my lovely (perimenopausal) wife and three cats: Jalepeno, Thai, and Cricket; or as we call them Wenyo, Bo, and Crackhead. I'm an internet marketer, tai chi teacher and alternative health professional. I am co-owner of Harmony Healthworks, LLC with my student Keith. We practice oriental bodywork, energy healing, qigong, and structural alignment. We teach people how to be more comfortable in their own bodies and to develop a deeper sense of self and well-being.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Get Menopause Relief

I want to take a little time and talk about how to get menopause relief. The symptoms of menopause can really unsettle your life. One of the two main symptoms of menopause are mood swings and hot flashes. So why is it that they happen for middle-aged women, and what can be done? And of course the answer is menopause. I hope that this little primer will be useful to woman AND men.

My wife and I have been happily married for fourteen years. Like many women her age (she’d kill me if I gave it out so I’ll just say she’s maturing nicely) she started feeling the signs of menopause. Actually, perimenopause what they call it. It’s the period leading up to menopause. Apparently menopause is actually only one day-that day when a woman has gone an entire year without her period. Perimenopause generally occurs in women between 45-55 years of age, but even women in their 30s have reported signs.

It’s certainly isn’t the case that every woman has the same symptoms, but some of the things that might happen to you at the onset of menopause are: night sweats, the feeling that you are just not yourself, feeling like you can’t keep your train of thought, hair loss, mood swings and hot flashes. And please don’t think that menopause just affects women, either. Indirectly, the entire family is affected. It’s not easy for a woman to have to put up with these feelings. My wife and I have had many difficult conversations about what she’s going through. Truthfully, I think if more men learned about menopause and could understand that it is a natural life occurrence they’d be better equipped to deal with their wife’s symptoms.

Obviously if menopause is a natural function of aging, there is no cure for it. And why would there be? But there are things woman can do to get menopause relief.. For instance, make certain that you stick to a well-balanced diet. Also, try a program of mildly vigorous exercise. Some women find that Traditional Chinese Medicine gives them relief as well. Herbs such as St. John’s Wort, Black Cohash, Ginseng, and Valerian Root seem to be effective in treating mood swings and hot flashes. Stress-reducing techniques such as tai chi, qigong, and yoga are all very popular. I have taught my wife a simple standing exercise from tai chi (I used to teach this professionally) that really lets her just chill out nicely.

I hope this little piece has been useful to you, dear reader. I know that my research has been very helpful for me in understanding that my wife’s mood swings and hot flashes are not meant to be directed at me. They just happen and it helps when I understand this. They are just apart of what is happening to her body right now. I love her and support her in this transition in her life. I am fortunate in that she has always supported me in my life changes as well.


jai said...

hi there,

nice blog, and have a nice day


Buddy said...

Well, thanks a lot info. I'm still in the beginning stages. I didn't realize anyone was even watching.